
What Letting Go Really Means.

So how do we stop running? How do we overcome the afflictions (kleshas) so we can have a life well lived, one with no regrets, so that when the inevitability of shedding the body becomes a fact, we greet death like a friend we knew was coming in from a long, arduous journey, it’s as if our death traverses through the most vacant of deserts, the densest of jungles, and the longest stretches of sea, but alas upon arrival to our doorstep, time will be of the essence and that time will be the time to GO. The adventure has arrived, and you won’t know where you’re going, but you are obliged to forge into the unknown.

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Kristen Coyle
The Re-Birthing of My Blog: Overcoming Perfectionism and Comparison.

It’s amazing the way life eventually brings us full circle. Years ago when I was just starting out as a yoga teacher I had a blog where I carefully curated content, I meticulously reviewed my writings to make sure they would be universally palatable, and I even had a few blog posts go viral via Elephant Journal. And then, like many things in life, I gradually let my blog fall away.

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